Change of self vs Change of scene

Have you ever been in a situation that you feel like you need to get out of? Maybe you're in a bad mood every day that you go to work. You feel like you just need to get out of there as soon as you possibly can. Is it a bad relationship that doesn't seem like it's getting better? You could be getting in arguments more often or feeling like you're feelings are beginning to fade. I can't say that these things aren't bad situations to be in and I can't say that you don't need to get out of them. I can't pretend that I know what is going on in your head or what you need to do for yourself. The one thing I can do, though, is help you see it from a different perspective and prevent an ever bigger problem.

Let's dig in to this hypothetical problem a little bit deeper. I've worked with people who continue to say that they need to find something different, because this isn't for them. Is that true? Sure, it very well could be true. They might need something different in their life to solve some other issues they have. Do you think they've ever thought that the problem might not be with the organization they're with, but with themselves? I think it's quite easy and comforting to find something to point blame to when you're having hard times. You instinctively look for something to lay your negativity on. You're spending absolutely zero energy on finding the good things that accompany your life. This is just how some people think. They find the problems in every situation they're in. They refuse to try come up with a solution or some way of helping possible recurrences. It's so damn natural for them to do it that they don't even know they're doing it. They just think that some other place is going to be better and all my problems that I'm having here will be solved. True? Think again. You'll drag that same level of negativity and finger pointing to the next place you go. It will seem better for a little while, because it's new, it's different, it's fun. If you aren't willing to get inside your head and find a more positive mindset to unleash, you'll be the exact same as you were. You'll be the same negative employee who is complaining about the same bullshit you complained about last time. Ask yourself if the problem lies with yourself, or with your scene?


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